ID: 28aYE-4
Title: How I think of the Report
of Physics Challenge and Olympiad
Language: Japanese
Place: Rikkyou University and Rikkyo High School (Ikebukuro
Campus) Room YE
Time: 2009/03/28/10:00-10:15
Presenter: Yuuichi
ID: 30pSF-8
Title: Energy Ambiguity Problem of New
Quantum Grammar
Language: Japanese
Place: Rikkyou University and Rikkyo High School (Ikebukuro
Campus) Room SF
Time: 2009/03/30/15:30-15:45
Presenter: Yuuichi
Last edited at 2009/01/17/17:16-JST
I did so by registering at onamae.com.
If you
access to http://www.grammaticalphysics.ac/,
your browser
will be redirected to http://15.pro.tok2.com/~wooder/GramPhys/html/
try it.
Last edited at 2009/01/17/09:46-JST