The new grammar version of quantum mechanics should
become the existing quantum mechanics at the limit α→∞.
However the
new grammar version of quantum mechanics includes α only through the
factor h/α, and so we can not distinguish the limit α→∞ from the limit
I will check if Φ defined as Φ[χ]=exp[α∫dt ψ(χ(t),t)] is a
solution of the new grammar version of Schrodinger equation at the limit
α→∞, where ψ is a solution of the existing Schrodinger equation at the
limit h→0.
Fortunately, the ordinary Schrodinger equation has a
certain form at the limit h→0.
Yesterday, I seemed to succeed in solving an equation
used to solve the new grammar version of Schrodinger equation by using
fourier expansion and polar coordinates in momentum
where f is an arbitrary
I am not confident of if this is correct because I have not
yet checked this solution well.
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