All are wise.
- SourceCodeOf_HumanGenome
Tell your joke, hear my joke. @ 2009/5/31 21:00
- SourceCodeOf_HumanGenome
I like you. @ 2009/5/31 21:07
- SourceCodeOf_HumanGenome
Close and Equal Alliance @ 2009/10/31 10:21
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An Honorable Woman @ 2010/3/13 11:28
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There are many scotts in a scott land. @ 2010/9/23 17:23
- SourceCodeOf_HumanGenome
論文抄録の意訳(To be translated) @ 2011/3/8 11:25
- »SourceCodeOf_HumanGenome
All are wise. @ 2012/6/8 11:29
SourceCodeOf_HumanGenome > All are wise. @ 2012/6/8 11:29 |
A: Albert Einstein is really wise,
isn't he? (アインシュタインって本当に頭いいよね) B: For that matter, I also am wise. (頭なら俺だって良いけど) A: No, your's is not wiseness. It's mere clear consciousness. (違うよ、お前のは、頭がいい、じゃなくて、意識がはっきりしてる、って言うんだよ) --- Last edited at 2012/06/11/11:21JST |