Correspondence between Solution and Action
- SourceCodeOf_HumanGenome
Quantum Field Theory on the Time-Axis @ 2012/5/6 15:20
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Path Integral @ 2012/5/6 15:30
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Interpretation of the Path Integral @ 2012/6/22 15:32
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Probability Interpretation @ 2012/6/22 16:25
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A Sketch of an Entangled Solution @ 2012/7/3 14:42
- »SourceCodeOf_HumanGenome
Correspondence between Solution and Action @ 2013/4/15 14:42
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Path Integral of Solution @ 2013/4/21 14:28
SourceCodeOf_HumanGenome > Correspondence between Solution and Action @ 2013/4/15 14:42 |
A solution of the new grammar version
of the Shrödinger
equation: Φ[χ]=ΠkG(χ(k/α),k/α;x0,t0) can be cartoonized as a picture of a starfish. The integrand of the Feynman path integral: exp{(i/ can be cartoonized as a picture of a centipede. Using these two pictures as a hint, I made up the following functional as a solution nearly corresponding to the action. Φ[χ]=[Πk∫dxk∫dtkG(χ(k/α),k/α;xk,tk)]ΠjG(xj+1, tj+1; xj, tj) This solution can be called a starfish having a centipede in place of a central disc. [Πk∫dξ(0,k/α) G(ξ(ε,k/α),ε;ξ(0,k/α),0)]Φ[ξ(0,□)] = [Πk∫dξ(0,k/α) G(ξ(ε,k/α),ε;ξ(0,k/α),0)][Πs∫dxs∫dtsG(ξ(0,s/α),s/α;xs,ts)]ΠjG(xj+1, tj+1; xj, tj) = [Πk∫dxk∫dtk∫dξ(0,k/α) G(ξ(ε,k/α),ε;ξ(0,k/α),0)G(ξ(0,k/α),k/α;xk,tk)]ΠjG(xj+1, tj+1; xj, tj) = [Πk∫dxk∫dtk G(ξ(ε,k/α),k/α+ε;xk,tk)]ΠjG(xj+1, tj+1; xj, tj) = [Πk'∫dx'k'∫dt'k' G(ξ(ε,k'/α-ε),k'/α;x'k',t'k')]ΠjG(x'j+1, t'j+1; x'j, t'j) where k'=k+αε, x'k'=xk, t'k'=tk = [Πk∫dx'k∫dt'k G(ξ(ε,k/α-ε),k/α;x'k,t'k)]ΠjG(x'j+1, t'j+1; x'j, t'j) = [Πk∫dxk∫dtk G(ξ(ε,k/α-ε),k/α;xk,tk)]ΠjG(xj+1, tj+1; xj, tj) = Φ[ξ(ε,□-ε)] ∵ Πj G(x'j+1, t'j+1; x'j, t'j) = Πj' G(x'j'+1, t'j'+1; x'j', t'j') = Πj' G(xj+1, tj+1; xj, tj) = Πj G(xj+1, tj+1; xj, tj) where j'=j+αε Therefore, Φ[χ]=[Πk∫dxk∫dtkG(χ(k/α),k/α;xk,tk)]ΠjG(xj+1, tj+1; xj, tj) is an approximate solution. I hope that a path integral of this solution reproduce the same result as a path integral of exp{(i/ --- Last edited at 2013/04/21/14:09 |
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